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AIMS will provide cursory and comprehensive safety inspections to our clients.  The inspections will include a CPTED Analysis (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), Fire Inspections, wide-ranging Crime Prevention Inspection and general code inspections.  A comprehensive safety plan will serve as a blueprint for our clients to keep the company’s employees, facilities, information and visitors safe by reducing certain risk

AIMS will train each employee on the new safety plan and protocols approved by our clients.​

Police Department relationships with the communities being served is a current high priority topic of national concern. Building good relationships and trust in the community is imperative for any police department and its officers. These relationships can be critically important in times of heightened tensions due to crisis situations, as well as in developing effective two-way communication with citizens of the various communities in conducting routine police activities. Insights in developing citizen participation and effective law enforcement strategies to build citizen trust and dialog are key training points forAIMSfacilitators training our law enforcement clients. These training seminars are designed for all certified law enforcement officers and non-sworn personnel who routinely maintain active daily contact with citizens and business stakeholders.




​ ​AIMS realize the safety of the business environment just doesn’t independently happen.   It takes careful planning, developing good processes, dedicated implementation and continual assessment to ensure that the best practices are maintained.  AIMS assist our clients in developing a safety master plan which outlines possible risks, threats, and hazards to our client’s assets.  A specifically tailored safety plan is presented to our client’s leadership with recommended strategies, directives, programs, policies and procedures which is reflective of our client’s commitment to a safe working environment



Come and Learn About:

  • Developing Church Safety Plans

  • Mitigating Risk in the Church Environment

  • Managing a Church Safety Team

  •  Integrating Church Leadership in Safety PlanningType your paragraph here.

AIMS will provide your organization with highly experienced professionals dedicated to providing our nations first-responders with the latest trends and best practices in law enforcement. As adjunct faculty and professors from various colleges and universities throughout the United States, our trainers and facilitators will challenge traditional norms by introducing new theories and practical applications that designed to enhance personal performance and service delivery by our client law enforcement partners.  AIMS is committed to educating our first-responders by providing a dynamic and challenging learning environment that stresses critical thinking in problem-solving.  

Who are the facilitators and counselors?

To support this important training endeavor,
AIMS  has assembled a team of professional counselors, law enforcement commanders, safety-security experts, marketing managers, and clergy to design comprehensive training courses that meet the needs and challenges of all stakeholders responsible for managing church congregations. The training curriculum will address areas such as law enforcement relations, emotional recovery, vicarious liabilities and other topics that church leadership has deemed necessary to enhance church safety protocols.

AIMS will evaluate existing safety policies, procedures, and processes by interviewing company leadership, line and staff personnel, in addition, to review historical data and other previously occurring safety events.  The survey, interview, and review process will assist the team of inspectors in recommending key protocols to address issues such as thefts, burglaries, work-place violence, fraud, acts of nature, hazardous materials, terrorism and personal safety.

 AIMS is keenly aware of the potential cost impact of each risk or event that could occur within organizations.  Our recommended safety protocols, guidelines, procedures and general recommendations are to assist in protecting the physical and informational interest of our client’s and their stakeholders.  We encourage our clients to ask as many questions as possible while we journey to developing a workable and implementable risk safety plan.  

The Church Safety Seminars I and II are designed as a two-part course to assist in preparing church leadership, ushers, greeters and safety teams with crucial planning for the ever-evolving dynamics of managing congregations with a sense of both spirit and safety in mind.

Advanced In-Service Classes for Law Enforcement Personnel

Group Think: Lessons in Small Group Communications

Fundamental and Applied Leadership in Law Enforcement: Reaching Beyond Management 101

Planning and Organizing: Important Essentials for First Line Managers and Supervisors

Community Oriented Policing: Addressing the Paradigm Shift in Law Enforcement Community Relations

Compliance With Combat: Recognizing Reasonable Alternatives in the Force Continuum

Diversity Management: Addressing the Needs of the New Changing Workforce

Introduction to Law Enforcement Chaplaincy: Concern, Compassion, and Care for Guardians of the Community

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED Training)


Specifically Designed Training, Workshops, and Seminars

Responding to an Active Crisis Event: Providing Victims a Shield of Protection

Administrative First Line Defenders: Standing in the Gap of Disruption and Chaos

Information Technology and Security: Protecting Critical Information Through Cyber Policing

Personal Safety and Security Awareness

Workplace Violence and Dealing with the Emotional Aftermath

Navigating Changes in a Multi-Family Residential Environment

Diversity Management: Addressing the Paradigm Shift in 21st Century Cultural Evolutions